CW Accountancy
New shop front
in Frome

Frome Museum
A collection of
local history

Established in the heart of Frome town centre since 1983

  • Income tax is devolved to Wales.
  • Welsh resident taxpayers continue to pay the same overall income tax rates using the UK rates and bands.
  • The total rate of income tax = UK income tax + Welsh rate of income tax
  • Savings income and dividend income are taxed using UK tax rates and bands.
Band of taxable income UK Rate Welsh Rate Total Rate
£ % % %
0 - 37,700 Basic rate 10 10 20
37,701 - 150,000 Higher rate 30 10 40
Over 150,000 Additional rate 35 10 45

  • Income tax is devolved to Wales from 6 April 2019.
  • Welsh resident taxpayers continue to pay the same overall income tax rates using the UK rates and bands.
  • The total rate of income tax = UK income tax + Welsh rate of income tax
  • Savings income and dividend income are taxed using UK tax rates and bands.
Band of taxable income UK Rate Welsh Rate Total Rate
£ % % %
0 - 37,500 Basic rate 10 10 20
37,501 - 150,000 Higher rate 30 10 40
Over 150,000 Additional rate 35 10 45

Frome Museum

A collection of
local history

Cheap Street

Has a stream running
down the middle

Catherine Hill

A host of fabulous Independent shops

Gentle Street

Poldark was filmed
on location here

CW Accountancy

New shop front
in Frome