CW Accountancy
New shop front
in Frome

Frome Museum
A collection of
local history


preparation of annual accounts

We prepare accounts for a diverse range of sole traders, partnerships limited companies and charities.

We have extensive experience covering a wide range of businesses including subcontractors, shopkeepers, tradesmen, haulage contractors, motor repairers, computer consultants and dentists to name just a few.

We ensure that accounts are prepared in accordance with relevant regulatory and disclosure requirements as well as being useful and understandable to our clients.

We offer a timely, efficient and cost-effective service and wherever possible will offer suggestions to improve the standard of record keeping to ensure that accountancy fees can be kept to the lowest possible level.

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Frome Museum

A collection of
local history

Cheap Street

Has a stream running
down the middle

Catherine Hill

A host of fabulous Independent shops

Gentle Street

Poldark was filmed
on location here

CW Accountancy

New shop front
in Frome