CW Accountancy
New shop front
in Frome

Frome Museum
A collection of
local history

Established in the heart of Frome town centre since 1983

  • Car fuel benefit applies if an employee has the benefit of private fuel for a company car.
  • The benefit is calculated by applying the percentage used to calculate the car benefit by a 'fuel charge multiplier'.
  • The charge is proportionately reduced if provision of private fuel ceases part way through the year. The fuel benefit is reduced to nil only if the employee pays for all private fuel.
Car fuel benefit 2021/22
Fuel charge multiplier £24,600

  • Car fuel benefit applies if an employee has the benefit of private fuel for a company car.
  • The benefit is calculated by applying the percentage used to calculate the car benefit by a 'fuel charge multiplier'.
  • The charge is proportionately reduced if provision of private fuel ceases part way through the year. The fuel benefit is reduced to nil only if the employee pays for all private fuel.
Car fuel benefit 2020/21
Fuel charge multiplier £24,500

Frome Museum

A collection of
local history

Cheap Street

Has a stream running
down the middle

Catherine Hill

A host of fabulous Independent shops

Gentle Street

Poldark was filmed
on location here

CW Accountancy

New shop front
in Frome